Custom Stands
We offer full design, manufacture, and labour services for custom stand builders and exhibiting clients. We believe the measure of success in a good custom stand is its ability to engage delegates through an interactive experience with the product or service that the client is promoting at the exhibition.
We achieve this through a complete understanding of what our client is trying to achieve through their participation at the conference or exhibition. Creating new and exciting ways to engage delegates and display materials is an area that we love to explore. We assist in the recycling and reuse considerations of each and every custom stand post-show. A good custom stand should make an impact on the show floor not on the environment.

Our talented and qualified team can create your custom stand from start to finish.
We will use quality materials and aim to be as sustainable as possible, so your build is guilt free.

Already have your own custom stand?
Our team is experienced at building pre-fabricated custom stands and enjoy the opportunity to work with creators from other companies.

Need some extra hands to build your custom stand?
On the ground solutions to support your custom build with knowledgeable staff to help deliver exceptional quality stands here in Cairns.
Create Locally to Ensure it’s Sustainable.

Recycled Cardboard Stand
This stand was built for Independence Australia and was the first of its kind in Australia. We worked closely with an industrial designer in Sydney to create each free-standing element of this stand.
The brief from the client was to allow for as much traffic flow and interaction as possible for the duration of the show. The elements of this stand are made of cardboard and were flat packed and sent to Sydney after the show for the client to re-use at other upcoming events.
They are light weight and made of recycled materials. The components could be ereted simply and easily by their staff.
Please enquire today about how we can work with you to deliver an environmentally friendly custom product like this one.

Maximum Impact. Minimum Fuss.
The client was exhibiting at an international conference for cow veterinarians. The artwork played well on the presence of crocodile within Northern Queensland, whereby we were able to borrow a small stuffed freshwater crocodile to complete the stand.
For minimal fuss this stand created maximum impact and had high visitation rates.

Small Budgets. Creative Impact.
This stand was created for Monsanto. They had a simple message and we helped them convey it with some clever grass flooring, recycled fabrics and cardboard elements. They wanted to have plenty of room for their staff to engage and portray a clean green approach to their marketing strategy.
Simple is sometimes best as it helps to keep the key messages being taken to an exhibition, clean and simple to understand.
Re-think, Re-use, Recycle
A good stand should make a great impact on the show floor not on the environment. Cairns is nestled between two world heritage areas, the Wet Tropics Rainforest and The Great Barrier Reef. We work hard to create solutions to recycle and re-use as much of each custom stand as possible.
We offer sustainable product and printing solutions for the display and advertising elements whilst not compromising on quality.
We encourage clients to consider future exhibition display opportunities for different components of the stand they are designing. For every 25% of a stand that can be re-used, 2 cubic metres of waste can be spared from going into land fill. A consciously sustainable stand is a stand that is of the future.